Leo und Michael präsentieren ihr Paper

Forum Injektionstechnik 2018: Stage clear for the eguana

From November 21 to 22, the STUVA Forum Injektionstechnik 2018 took place in Cologne – and we were there. With our own exhibition booth and a presentation about Digital Data Management in Grouting we were dually represented. If your tight schedule at the end of the year prevented your attendance, please feel free to read up on everything about the forum and the presentation of our paper here.

Every second year (…no, not Baby-Christ, it comes on a yearly basis! But …) the STUVA FORUM INJEKTIONSTECHNIK comes again.

During these two days the who is who of the grouting scene meets in Cologne – from the builder to the specialist planner, from the material manufacturer to the executing company. The forum, organized by STUVA, Bauverlag and IBE-Ingenieure GmbH + Co.KG, combines trade fair with lecture series. Innovative ideas, pioneering processes, new materials and groundbreaking developments are in the spotlight at this event. Of course we could not miss this. With pleasure we followed the explicit invitation of STUVA.

We teach, we learn

As already announced in our autumn blog, Michael and our partner in crime, Leopold Winkler of the Vienna University of Technology, climbed the stage to present their paper on Digital Documentation and Data Management for Grouting measures – and they did so with such confidence in front of more than 200 guests. Top secret until then and kept away from public, the groundbreaking ideas were finally presented to the crowd. The topic was well received by the audience and later on discussed face to face. We are very proud that not only friends and colleagues approached us with exciting feedback, but we received also positive response by many renowned names of the scene, of whom many expressed their interest in our products.

We also mingled with the crowd and listened to other exciting lectures, like the one by Arne Kindler of Stump Spezialtiefbau GmbH on „Environmentally friendly building materials in special civil engineering on the example of a fully biological soft gel for ground injections“. Did you know that there are fish that build caves in the sea and agglutinate the sand with their own body secretions for stabilization? Live and learn.

Between lectures, we spent our time networking. Our booth was always well visited and our flagship eguana SCALES, which allows you to collect, analyse and visualize all the data accumulated on a construction site – regardless of data type and machine manufacturer – was met with great interest among the experts.

Philipp and Michael had their hands full and established many new contacts. We look forward to future collaborations, exciting projects and to our next trade fair appearance at the VÖBU Fair in January 2019. We’ll keep you posted!


More information about the forum can be found under http://forum-injektionstechnik.de/ or at the official website of tunnel-online-Magazin.