Man, machine, mechatronics

Man is a confusing mixture of opposites and contradictions. Couchpotato and crossfitter, Stone Age man and quantum physicist, macho and feminist are often united in one person, the alcoholic says no to drugs in pill form, the animal lover likes a good Sunday roast. Furthermore, the homo sapiens is workaholic and sloth at the same […]
Alle Jahre wieder

Jetzt, wo der Winter langsam Einzug hält (oder mich alternativ mit einem Eispickel erschlägt), Touristen wie Heuschreckenschwärme über die Christkindlmärkte herfallen und die U-Bahnen zu kommunalen Wärmestellen werden, denke ich zurück an den Herbst.
Incredibly versatile! – The grouting packer

The year is drawing to an end and right on time, like clockwork, people are getting into the Christmas stress. Already, the first Christmas markets have opened and by advent time even the loneliest hermit will be carried away by the annual Christmas gifts panic. While crowds of people are being pushed through shopping malls […]
Patty-cake, patty-cake, patty-cake

Or: what makes a good grout– quality assurance in grouting technology High-tech kitchen, new pots, shiny pans and even a zucchini pasta cutter. Also a family recipe that makes your mouth water simply by reading – but what is it good for if maggots are in the flour and free range eggs know the free […]
A premiere on European ground: Grouting Fundamentals

It was an absolute premiere to which we sent Philipp and Peter in September. No, this blog is not about Ad Astra, the newest space movie starring Brad Pitt in the highly praised role of an astronaut on his galactic search for his lost father. While he is travelling to infinity and beyond (apparently all […]
Artificial intelligence in tunnel engineering

It is the year 1991. Imagine a bar, filled with cigarette smoke, a few long-haired men in leather jackets are bent over pool tables. Arnold Schwarzenegger enters the stage. In his birthday suit. “I want your clothes, your boots and your motorbike your power drill.” What has been a small step for Arnold, was a […]
Trari trara, der Herbst ist da!

UK: We call it Autumn, from the Latin Word “autumnus” and later, the old French word “autompne” USA: WE CALL IT FALL BECAUSE LEAVES FALL DOWN Egal wie man dazu sagt, der Herbst zieht ins Land. Die Zeit der schmerzhaften Sonnenbrände und lauen Sommerabende neigt sich dem Ende zu, und aus dem Rot der Haut […]
Scales – born to be alive

The summer is slowly but surely coming to an end. Of course, we always stayed in our cool office so that our iguana does not get red scales. Meanwhile, we made a few improvements and additions to SCALES – but let’s start at the beginning. An entire construction site at a glance with one click […]
Sealing in tunnelling – Bring on the water!

Water is known to be the source of all life. We came from the sea (and every summer we are drawn back there), we consist of 70% water, some of us take a shower every now and then (what I’ve heard). However, in the tunnelling industry people mostly refer to water as “the source of […]
Summer is coming!

Endlich! Nicht, dass Schnee und Regen nicht auch ganz schön sein können, aber im Juni darf dann auch mal Schluss sein. Benannt ist der Juni nach der römischen Göttin Juno, Gattin des Göttervaters Jupiter und Göttin der Ehe. Auch genannt wird er Rosenmonat, und dementsprechend rosarot sind auch die Feiertage. Am 12. Juni haben wir deshalb die […]