How to build a subway

No, we are not talking about the sandwich. Sorry. In our previous blog post, we approached the subway from a historical perspective, today we approach from above and dig deep underground to find out how subway tunnels and stations can be built. ***** There are different ways to build a subway. If you do a […]
StilfOs: Performance-based remuneration in special civil engineering

It has been sufficiently clarified by now that time is money. But: whose time and whose money are we talking about? If the client wants to have a tunnel built as quickly as possible for as little money as possible, but the contractor wants as much money as possible for as little effort as possible, […]
Pizza, pasta, Piacenza – a summary of the industry get-together in Europe

It is common knowledge that a lot of communication is lost online. Video conferences and phone calls can only partially replace a get-together in the real world. It was all the nicer for some of our eguanas to be able to spend two days at the Geofluid in Piacenza (September 15-16) in beautiful Italy. How […]

Too much of a good thing? Can also happen with injections. If too much material is injected into a crack, the gap can tear even further. Together with the Graz University of Technology, we are trying to find out as part of the HYJACK research project when the point has been reached at which one […]
A subway waggon called Desire – How Vienna got a subway

The time has finally come: the city of Vienna is getting its sixth underground line! It bears the number five – curious enough for a blog post, one might think, but there are so many more exciting things to write about the subway. Therefore, in the next few weeks we will be devoting a series […]

A German proverb says „On the back of a horse, true happiness can be found.“ It should rather read ‘Unhappy horses lie under the ground’. One of these horses was disturbed in its last rest and brought to the surface by Hendrike Gramatke. eguana asked the construction manager at Stump-Franki Spezialtiefbau GmbH what else is […]

Scientific information is often difficult to understand, full of technical terms and and complicated formulas. We have talked to civil engineer Jan Onne Backhaus about evolutionary algorithms for our current article in a way that everyone – from geneticists to computer scientists to elementary school children – can understand it. Promise. ***** When the Queen […]

No, there are no canaries in the center on the mountain (ZaB, – there is no Balrog either. However, attentive miners can encounter foxes and snakes, explains Robert Wenighofer, research assistant at the Chair for Subsurface Engineering at the Montan University Leoben. Together with university professor Robert Galler he took us on an mental […]
Journey to the Center of the Earth

“Wherever he saw a hole he always wanted to know the depth of it. To him this was important. ” The path of Thorsten Kratz might not lead all the way to the center of the earth, but nevertheless into unknown depths. In the best manner of science-fiction-prophet Jules Verne, the civil engineer and project […]
sometimes its the little things – what our widgets can do

Just as the Good Witch of the North needs her Munchkins and supervilllain Gru can’t work without his Minions, we at eguana sometimes need a little help from our friends, namely our widgets. They support and beautify eguana SCALES. Find out all about what widgets actually are and what our special widgets can do in […]